Wow, I feel good! I know: I promised–well, sort of promised–no more polyphasic updates until I was done with the first month. But come on,…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Wow, I feel good! I know: I promised–well, sort of promised–no more polyphasic updates until I was done with the first month. But come on,…
Which morning? I have six of them each day, functionally speaking. If we can agree to call it a morning whenever I wake up and…
Yo! Yes, I stole the title of this post from Kevin J. Anderson. Because imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism. But that’s not all…
Sneak preview! Oh, and the circular things on Bleed on the Sky‘s cover will go away. They’re leftovers from before I actually paid for that…
Here it is, folks–my very first dictated blog post! I know, I know. Nobody cares. But FWIW I think it’s pretty cool that this works…
So that’s a view from my balcony. It’s all fuzzed out, because (a) I know nothing about photography, digital or otherwise, and (b) it’s snowing…