Lucky thirteen! This one’s brand-new (about time, you may be saying, and I don’t disagree).
But there’s still no cover. Why not? Well, ’cause I’m still getting the new laptop set up. I’ll try to get covers for this one and #12 (“Freethought”) up in the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, I’m having lots of fun here in Juneau. Getting strange looks for walking around barefoot, which is normal, but I’m also getting smiles: this is how I know I’m home.
Just for the record: I doubt I’ll make it through the winter barefoot. But I keep hoping…maybe next year my feet will have adjusted… {8′>
Meanwhile, that ain’t what you’re here to read. Or so I’ll betcha. Here it is:
Carnival Night
Gray’s just a kid in Henge, West Virginia. A carnival comes to town. I could say more, but why? That’s what the story is for. Hope you like it.
[REDACTED 10/12/2015]
I’m making many of my stories Amazon-only for a while. Their “Kindle Unlimited” deal is very nice for short fiction. I hate to leave people out if they prefer buying stuff at non-Amazon sites, but…(1) nearly all sales and downloads, for me, have always come from Amazon, (2) while I’ve had issues with Amazon, they’ve been very responsive in dealing with them, (3) I can’t say that for any other online distributor (well, Smashwords is actually pretty nice), and (4) this may boost visibility at Amazon…kind of the core of my business. If you really really hate the idea, please let me know.
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