Okay, severe weirdness today. Wednesday, I posted on my Facebook page (no link, and I removed my “badge” from the sidebar on this site, and…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Okay, severe weirdness today. Wednesday, I posted on my Facebook page (no link, and I removed my “badge” from the sidebar on this site, and…
I know. To thine own self be true, and all that. Which, since the self under discussion happens to be mine, and I’m using the…
Oh wow. There I was, drinking a Goose Island IPA, and I realized: this is going to be really easy. Bear with me a moment…
So I’ve moved a bunch of stuff across state lines, mostly legally as far as I can guess, and I’m taking a moment to think…
So there I was, about a third of the way through writing a novel, and I decided to let my fingers do their thing. I…
Okay, the scene with a parade of blue-swirled pregnant girls and visibly happy guys, with a dash of cheerful homicide…probably didn’t fit in this book.…