Yesterday’s 30-minute session came to 1041 words. So, are you a writer? If you are, you’ll probably know exactly what I mean when I say…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Yesterday’s 30-minute session came to 1041 words. So, are you a writer? If you are, you’ll probably know exactly what I mean when I say…
Hello again! Yesterday’s word count for the 50-minute dictation session was 1753. Not terrible…nah, let’s try to avoid too much of the humble-brag and also the absurd implication…
Hi! Welcome to Day Two of this daily-posting thing. It’s 6 AM and I just finished recording a 50-minute dictation session. I finished up Chapter…
Okay, so that writing-in-public thing didn’t go so well. It wasn’t all that bad, really, from my perspective: although I’m not achieving anything close to…