Or maybe I mean “to sleep with the fishes”? Which is what my wife said my daughter was doing the other night, and I’ll tell…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Or maybe I mean “to sleep with the fishes”? Which is what my wife said my daughter was doing the other night, and I’ll tell…
Lots of stuff going on, which is partly code for “I can’t be bothered to write fiction just this second” and is fully as lame…
Having a good day working on The Secret. I’m still not getting the sort of word-count I want, but what the heck. I like what…
My daughter really gets me. Here’s a snippet of conversation we had the other day while playing in the backseat as her mom drove us…
Well, not totally new. I think most people count a week as beginning on Sunday. And I’m not actually writing a new beginning either, but…
Yo. Well, The Secret is a bit delayed. Why? Ha. A beautiful and intelligent but occasionally hurling spouse (oh my vertiginous bride!), Accidental wheat consumption…