Yup, you read that correctly. Ask, and ye shall receive. At least the first 20 of you,…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Yup, you read that correctly. Ask, and ye shall receive. At least the first 20 of you,…
Hi. It occurred to me that just saying something is possible is pretty far from demonstrating it. So I’m going to pretend this is a…
First, let me say this: Hey, I have books there too. In fact they’ll soon be on sale for $.99 each for a few days…
Bear in mind that I’m a software developer. I write code in addition to fiction. So I have a slightly different take than most on…
A few people have told me they’d like to read a second book in Shiver‘s world. Well, I’d like to write one. But is that…
Just a quick note. For the record, I am not going to pursue building the service-oriented bits of Scarecrow. Nor am I going to go…