If, that is, you’ve come back. If not, well, maybe I’ll see ya down the road. This has been a dead space for a while.…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
If, that is, you’ve come back. If not, well, maybe I’ll see ya down the road. This has been a dead space for a while.…
Howdy! Say hi to Danny on the right, if you’d like. He’s visiting for a few weeks. Very cool! Earlier Sunni came to see us,…
Wow, I feel good! I know: I promised–well, sort of promised–no more polyphasic updates until I was done with the first month. But come on,…
Which morning? I have six of them each day, functionally speaking. If we can agree to call it a morning whenever I wake up and…
This last week was fairly difficult in some ways. I don’t think it was because of polyphasic sleeping per se, but this was generally a…
So far: fun and interesting, but not entirely within my control. Come to think of it, the bit about “control” is probably self-evident, redundant, and…