Sooner or later I needed to write this. I guess it’s now. I’m not terribly happy with the state of online ebook distribution/retail. I posted…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Sooner or later I needed to write this. I guess it’s now. I’m not terribly happy with the state of online ebook distribution/retail. I posted…
Well, you got the gist of it from the title. At least I hope you did. TNG is a story, which is also available in…
Look, it’s not my fault. Amazon has multiple sites. And you can see the book’s title for yourself. What else would I have used for…
I don’t expect to get a lot of writing done next month. Because I need to: Finish up Pagan Sex (though I still hope it’s…
Y’know, I think I might offend people, and for more than the usual reasons. I’d say it’s a long story, but it isn’t…it’s not even…
Sort of. Thursday Night Game is now available at Amazon. But you probably shouldn’t buy it, because it’ll be free (instead of 99 cents) by…