If, that is, you’ve come back. If not, well, maybe I’ll see ya down the road. This has been a dead space for a while.…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
If, that is, you’ve come back. If not, well, maybe I’ll see ya down the road. This has been a dead space for a while.…
Howdy! Say hi to Danny on the right, if you’d like. He’s visiting for a few weeks. Very cool! Earlier Sunni came to see us,…
Yo! I got a bit sleepy after my 1:30AM nap last night, and fixed it with another 7:30AM extra. Is this fascinating, or what? Because…
Hi! Yup, this is still going on. About…lessee…60 hours into this thing, and I just woke from a 17-minute nap (total, including going-to-sleep time). I…
Well, here I am. Still. You too, I guess. Last night was interesting. I got some sleep between 1:30AM and 2:00AM, which was nice. I…
Well, first off, I’m a bit sleepy as I write this. But maybe even before that…zeroth off?…I do wonder how the hell to count this…