Two quick things today: I’ll be offline this weekend and most of next week. Working on The Secret in the RV again. Do you use…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Two quick things today: I’ll be offline this weekend and most of next week. Working on The Secret in the RV again. Do you use…
So my wife and I are sitting in Panera Bread eating salads. I mention that the chicken doesn’t have the strong sage flavor it used…
Well, ex-ex-foster kid Paul’s off to see the world. I hope it goes well for him. And Brigit’s here with me…so I’m taking a break…
And a theme or two. And an opportunity for Great Evil! It was an accident, I swear. One of those hippie-dippie things I do that…
Well, I’m getting some writing done on The Secret. For the curious (which ought to be at least a few of you, or why are…
I’m still not telling you about my various cross-country trips to retrieve my RV. Maybe I should. Or maybe I should take the story, tone…