I’ll never get tired of that title. Anyway, it’ll be free for five days starting Thursday (2/18). Enjoy it if you haven’t done so already,…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
I’ll never get tired of that title. Anyway, it’ll be free for five days starting Thursday (2/18). Enjoy it if you haven’t done so already,…
Bleed on the Sky is free! The ebook, anyway, on Amazon sites. For the rest of today. Sorry–it’s been a freebie for a few days,…
So if you haven’t read it, and you don’t mind downloading it from Amazon, and you don’t have Kindle Unlimited…it might be worth a look.…
I hate doing this. I actually like dealing with Amazon…but I don’t like dealing only with Amazon. OTOH, I like it when actual people (not…
Hi! First off? Some of you like to talk to me by hitting “reply” to my emailed posts. Which is very cool. I like it…
The privacy book is out to beta readers. It kept getting longer and longer…ended up at about 92K words. My second-longest book, with Shiver the…