Hi! Well, you know, this is the fifteenth. Which is falling on the sixth this month. Who’da thunk it? Truthfully, who’d have bothered to think…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Hi! Well, you know, this is the fifteenth. Which is falling on the sixth this month. Who’da thunk it? Truthfully, who’d have bothered to think…
Lucky number fourteen! Only this one’s a little different. Much to your surprise? Before we go any further, please let me point this out: at…
Lucky thirteen! This one’s brand-new (about time, you may be saying, and I don’t disagree). But there’s still no cover. Why not? Well, ’cause I’m…
Here we go! Number twelve! And it’s another retread! And no cover yet! Well, look. My laptop died horribly, and here I am in a…
Well…here’s number eleven. For the second time I’m falling back on one of the September stories. I actually have two new stories near completion, but…
Okay, number ten is here. I’m being a little goofy about this one too–it’s brand-new and all, but it’s not actually Wednesday yet where I…