Sooner or later I needed to write this. I guess it’s now. I’m not terribly happy with the state of online ebook distribution/retail. I posted…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Sooner or later I needed to write this. I guess it’s now. I’m not terribly happy with the state of online ebook distribution/retail. I posted…
Well, you got the gist of it from the title. At least I hope you did. TNG is a story, which is also available in…
Look, it’s not my fault. Amazon has multiple sites. And you can see the book’s title for yourself. What else would I have used for…
They sent email promising to respond “shortly” to my recent post but didn’t follow through. Actually I don’t blame them; I was just looking for…
No, I haven’t read any of his books. Except for Be the Monkey, which he co-wrote with Joe Konrath. I got a lot out of…
I don’t expect to get a lot of writing done next month. Because I need to: Finish up Pagan Sex (though I still hope it’s…