Ha. No, I do not. Anyway, it was weird…the first detectable illness in about six years. Wasn’t too bad, I guess. Temperature got up to…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
Ha. No, I do not. Anyway, it was weird…the first detectable illness in about six years. Wasn’t too bad, I guess. Temperature got up to…
Not sure why, and I’m not entirely happy about it…but so far today I’ve been working on non-dictation tasks. Some of it’s about the new…
Hi! So, things went a bit awry this morning. Sort of? I’d been wondering about my main character’s backstory, and had inserted a flashback in…
Hi! Well, yesterday’s writing went…okay, I guess. 1108 words in 32 minutes. Then I got a little bit stuck, and spent the rest of my…
G’mornin’! So…I didn’t do two full hours yesterday. Got Chapter 11 done in about 42 minutes (very rough initial draft only, of course: this is…
Yo! So here’s the thing. What I did yesterday sort of worked, from a straight words-per-hour point of view. But I only got in three…