I just like that word. I pronounce it here as if it were closer to “leprechaun” than you might expect, because that makes me happy.…
Scribo, ergo sum. Words and works of DH Young, scribbler at large.
I just like that word. I pronounce it here as if it were closer to “leprechaun” than you might expect, because that makes me happy.…
Hi everybody! Sorry for the longer-than-intended silence. I’m in Vegas, very busy with non-writing activities…and some beta readers are complaining about the ending of The…
That title reminds me of Carl Hiaasen, whose fiction I heartily recommend, unless maybe that was more like my liver speaking up. I’m not much…
Of course I mean “going south” in a literal sense, rather than as a writer. Though maybe both are true? Check this out: over at…
Look, giving them exclusive rights to sell/distribute my ebooks, even for 90 days at a time, doesn’t make me shit unicorn kisses any more than…
Here’s something new! Sort of. I’ve always liked this story. It can be found in my September collection, but this is its first solo outing…